The Verve Facelift & Necklift utilises micro access Cranial Suspension Tissue Traction, a state of the art technique which revolutionises advanced face lift procedures.
The main applications of this technology range from lower, mid and upper Facelifting, Neck Lifting, Canthopexy and Upper Lip Eversion. Other non-facial procedures can also be performed include Gluteoplasty and Mastopexy (with Adipofilling).
The Verve Facelift is a fantastic, minimally invasive procedure carried out under local anaesthetic. Recovery times are short and effects are long lasting.
Although modern surgical techniques for neck and face lifting can yield good immediate post operative results, these procedures can be both demanding and traumatic for the patient, often with a lengthy period of recovery. There are also significant risks with these procedures, which are generally very expensive.
In our facelift procedure the underlying tissues are simply repositioned, using sutures suspended from fixed points around the face.
Areas we treat include:
- facelift – lifting of the lower, mid and upper face
- neck lift – tightening of the skin and muscle laxity in the neck and below the chin
- lifting of the eyebrows and temporal region
- reshape and reposition the lateral canthus of the eye, creating the clasical almond shape
The final result? An incredible youthful rejuvenation with sculpted, contoured features that will make you smile every single time you look in the mirror – a beautiful, younger, natural looking you!
The results from our bespoke Verve Facelift and Necklift are truly amazing, immediate, and long lasting. The results are comparable to a full surgical face and necklift but without the risks, downtime or associated high costs.